Style should never be shallow, but you mustn't get so deep that it's not fun anymore. Come wade knee deep in style with me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Anna Karenina, revisited

"And her black dress, with its sumptuous lace, was not noticeable on her; it was only the frame, and all that was seen was she- simple, natural, elegant, and at the same time gay and eager."
-Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Do clothes make the woman?

In Tolstoy's novel, Anna Karenina, he paints a luxurious scene at a ball in which the novel's namesake appears in a simple black velvet gown trimmed with white lace. He describes the ballroom as "a sea of lace, tulle, and ribbon," in which Anna seems to be the only living, breathing person.

Simplicity, not extravagance, and monochromatic palettes, not loud colors, amplify and draw attention to the woman, not to her clothing.

Like so:

(Stella McCartney, Calvin Klein, Celine)

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