Style should never be shallow, but you mustn't get so deep that it's not fun anymore. Come wade knee deep in style with me.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Everyone Has To Have a Favorite

I'm a sucker for the classics like Ralph Lauren, Bottega Veneta, and Chanel, but as a young guy I can relate to young designers. My favorite is a Turkish fellow by the name of Erdem Moralioglu, whose eponymous collection demonstrates mastery of 3-dimensional detail and captivating prints. Since winning the British Fashion Fringe Competition in 2005, Erdem's knack for florals has exploded- literally. His earlier collections featured prints just dying to jump off the fabric; his later collections showcased embroidery and embellishments that did just that. Many pieces (like the dress featured below) looked like some sort of shiny fabric from afar, but that shimmer is an illusion, created by striking color combinations rather than sequins or satin. Like a well-tended garden, Erdem's collection invites you in with its general gayety, and then delights you with every single blossom within.

1 comment:

Megan DiNoia said...

Christian, I love Erdem so much. Seriously. Although, I think I do like the Spring collection more, this one was amazing too. His designs are incredible, and I seriously I would wear every single one if I could.